Meet Our Members

Bobby Koehne

Bobby, a current Marquette High School freshmen, and his family founded this organization. Back in 2015, they began painting crosses and giving them out at local soup kitchens. They worked tirelessly painting the crosses and handed as many out as the could. He hopes to continue this tradition by spreading it out into the world.

Alex Kim

Alex is a Marquette High School freshmen who heard about the mission of Carrying Crosses from Bobby and he automatically wanted in to help spread the hopeful message of helping people bear their crosses in small ways. Alex joined the organization in 2021 and is now giving his efforts to continue Carrying Crosses throughout the Marquette Community and the Milwaukee area.

Mitchell Henry

Mitchell, a freshman at Marquette High School, joined the tradition in 2018 when he helped Bobby's family to paint the crosses and pass them out. He felt inspired to continue working towards handing out these crosses and making a difference in people's lives.

Jacob Parsons

Jacob attends Marquette High School as a scholarly student who has done service work at soup kitchens and Vacation Bible Schools. He joined Carrying Crosses after Bobby, Alex, and Mitchell reached out to him. He is proud to be a member of this organization and hopes he can make a difference in people's lives.

Andrew Volm

Andrew is also a proud Marquette High School freshmen and a good friend of Bobby, Mitchell, Jacob, and Alex. He has had much experience in doing service for the Greater Milwaukee Community by helping shovel snow, rake leaves, and serving at soup kitchens. He recently joined our mission in spreading hope and joy throughout the communities we are involved in.